A SELF-DIRECTED IRA is one that permits the account holder the broadest possible investment choices.
Austin Holloway will be one of our guest speakers. He is going to discuss all the details of self-directed IRAs...including how to set one up, convert a standard IRA to a self-directed, and different investment strategies. This is another tool in your investment toolbox. Think of all the people you know who have changed jobs recently and left money sitting with their old employer or people who are getting bad returns on their money. THEY ARE YOUR PRIVATE MONEY LENDERS! Come learn valuable information so you can approach them and explain how they can benefit by loaning you money. As a benefit of being a TIN member, Austin will be waiving the $50 account setup fees for the self-directed IRAs!
Teen Challenge can solve your labor issues!
Pastor Travis Moran will be another guest speaker Monday, June 6th. He is going to talk about a piece of his program that will be extremely beneficial to everyone rehabbing a house or a business needing temporary labor (could become full time) or anyone needed an extra hand on jobs around their house.
Then another thing is...what do you do with all the stuff when you clean out a house? Mark and I have bought numerous houses - on our own or together - that have been full of stuff! Furniture, clothing, and toys. Rather than rent a dumpster or haul it off to the dump - call Teen Challenge's SuperThrift - 850-629-4667! They will come pick up stuff. Their website address is https://teenchallengesuperthrift.cc/ . Instead of paying, you get a nice tax break and the satisfaction of knowing you helped out.
Justin Tillman will be another guest speaker.
Poor Jack at Southern Financial Insurance Group has heard me say too many times.."Have I ever told you how much I hate Florida insurance companies?". But investing in Florida makes them unavoidable - sure helps having Jack, Stephen, and Sandra to run interference for me and keep me on the right path.
A four point inspection is just a fact of life here. One of our recent purchases failed the 4 point inspection on plumbing. Thank goodness for Justin and Mr. Rooter - we solved a complicated mess of old plumbing and "make do" go arounds. Sometimes what you find in older homes and homes in the counties can be downright comical. We recently bought a home and the seller moved into her mother's old home - she inherited some SEVERE plumbing issues - so bad that the cable company would not install her cable! We sent her to Justin and Mr. Rooter. She called us later to thank us for pointing her to Justin - she was very impressed with his service and crew - now she has cable TV too.
Justin is going to talk to us about Plumbing 101 and the 4 point inspection.
turning trash to cash!
Rennai Palmer-Kelly
Want to sell a nice home that you have rehabbed? Call Rennai - she has the buyers and connections. We just recently listed a home with her - first of May and over the Memorial Day weekend, she not only brought us a buyer - she spent the weekend sending us the needed paperwork so we could get the deal under contract. It was active on the MLS for 28 days!!
We are excited to have Rennai as a guest speaker!
6PM...JUNE 6th AT
Be sure to get plenty of sleep Sunday night and stay for the meeting after the meeting! Part 1 is education and Part 2 is where the business is done!
Come hungry and enjoy incredibly delicious food! We get the meeting room at no cost in exchange for people eating here - rooms are EXTREMELY hard to come by and expensive so we want Wahoo to LOVE US! SO EAT, DRINK, and BE MERRY!
Members, if you would like to present a deal to the group or show a success story, please email information and photos to CamilleDMueller@gmail.com so we can add it to our PowerPoint presentation for the meeting.
Non-Members, there is an admission fee to attend. $15.00 if paid online before midnight the day before the event. $20.00 if paid on the day of the event or at the door.
Call, Text, or Email us:
Camille - 850-692-9449
Mark - 850-792-5963